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Danielle Cobb


Important Dates

Rehearsals are Tue - Thu from 6P - 9P

TBD | Rehearsals

  • Location TBD

TBD | Dress Rehearsals

  • Location TBD

TBD | Performances

  • Location TBD

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Cost is $TBD per child

Total Registration Spots

TBD Participants

Rising 6th Grade - Graduating High School Seniors

Program Overview

The youth summer theatre program will be offered to rising sixth-grade students through graduating high school seniors. The actors rehearse for three days a week, three hours per night, for four weeks leading up to three live performances of the show during the summer.  The final week will have dress rehearsals Monday - Thursday leading up to the performances on Friday and Saturday. Rehearsals, excluding dress, will be held at Royalton-Hartland High School. Dress rehearsals and Performances will be held at Clifford H. Wise Middle School.  Under the guidance of our esteemed directorial staff, the students will learn a variety of skills, techniques, and theatrical knowledge. 


Week One: 

  • Students will participate in numerous getting to know you activities this first week that will also enhance acting skills and techniques. Some examples of these activities include repeating people's name's while imitating a movement or action. Learning stage commands, such as downstage, upstage, stage right, and stage left, by moving to the part of the stage with their answer to various questions (ex. Go upstage if have been in a play before and come downstage if this is your first show). Mirroring a partner as they act out different situations (feeling cold from the snow, dancing at a ball) and introducing yourself each time you switch partners. 

  • Students will receive their own personal copy of the script and learn how reading a script is different than reading a novel. They will learn how to take notes in their books. Even though the show has not been cast, we will start discussing the different characters, their motivations, and emotions at different parts of the show.  Students will learn warm-up activities for both voice and body and the importance of doing those warm-ups. These will be repeated and sometimes varied throughout the four weeks. 

  • We will discuss what makes a good audition and how you can stand out and do your best. Dialog will be practiced and students will experience reading through different parts. We will stress how every part and every actor, no matter how big or small, is important in making the show a success. Not everyone will be a lead in the show, but everyone is a valuable member of the cast.  

  • On the last day of the week, every student will audition for the show. Students will audition at the same time as others in their age range and experience level. Everyone will go through auditions. If students are not comfortable they will be allowed to audition with a partner or small group. The directors will cast the show after auditions. Everyone who attends the program will be in the ensemble. No one will be cut. 


Weeks Two-Three: 

  • Students will learn and eventually memorize their dialog. They will continue improving their technique and skills based on notes from directors and experimenting with different acting choices. Instruction will be scaffolded so that all actors, no matter their skill or ability, will be able to have success and grow in their talents. Repetition and practice of one scene at a time will help aid in the memorization of the material. Students will be encouraged to help each other and work together to make everyone in the cast look better. Students may be in separate groups with different directors at the same time, working on different aspects of the show.

Week Four:

  • The final week will have dress rehearsals Monday - Thursday leading up to the performances on Friday and Saturday.

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