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Sue Glynn

Treasurer | Executive Board
2023 & 2024

What are your current projects and/or responsibilities as a board member?

I am responsible for making sure we can pay the bills. I help keep our directors on budget so we can continue to offer quality experiences at a low low price. I also can be found backstage keeping our actors in check as Stage Manager.

What experience do you bring to the board?

I have a lot of experience with a lot of different things, and I often take those experiences and use them to create a better experience for our members.

When did you first start working with LPP?

I first started with LPP many years ago. I've done a lot of things with organization. So much so that I won't bore you listing all the details out here. What I can tell you is that I was in Mamma Mia in 2022 and Stage Managed The Producers in 2023.

Sue Glynn

Sue is a loving grandmother and lover of theatre. Whether it's seeing a show or volunteering, she is slowly taking over community theatres in Western New York. When she's not seeing a live production, she is attending farmers markets, picking apples, and taking pottery classes.

Grandchildren Need Childcare, Inc.

B.A. in Life
School of Hard Knocks

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